Friday, August 29, 2008

Hello! Welcome to My Blog!

Well I really dont have muche to say but i'll just tell you about blog-to-be. As you see from the title of the blog, I'm going to be ranting about a lot of stuff. ( Just if I finish my homework or when I have time.) If you want me to rant about something or if you just want to argue, it's ok with me because i'll argue with you anytime. And if you just want to ask me questions, then I'll answer on the next blog that I post. Oh! I almost forgot, if you want someone to listen to your story, then i'll be there to listen (or read in this case).


Watching said...

Hello, Let me see...If you have read the twilight series, most people have a strong opinion about those books... I think they're really stupid and dumb, even though stephanie meyer is a good writer. Have you read them?

Meshelly said...

Hmm. not yet but I've been meaning to. Why?

Meshelly said...

Actually, I meant why is it really stupid and dumb.

ilovethejonasbrothers565 said...

i think the twilight books are amazing!

Ellen W said...

they r stupid cuz they're just another vampire love story... but the thing is, not a very good one. not anything against vampire love stories in general... cuz they're some of my favorites ^_^.
ugh i'm so friggin' tired and that didn't make much sense. *SCREAM*